Monday, September 29, 2008

North New Portland Fair

We made out way up to camp for the weekend and was able to go to the fair. It is a very cute and small fair, perfect for the kids to run around. We had food, rode the rides, and played some game.

Uncle Jamie help Alegra.

Brayden was on his own.

Alegra won the prize, but notice in her hand the turtle Brayden won for she shooting basketbal earlier.

Brayden got his first time on the "Big Kid Rides" and he loved them, nothing could scare him.

Not even the bullet.

Alegra stuck to some some lowkey rides.

And Brayden helped her have fun!

Bartlett Family Reunion

Here's the whole gang!!

Every Labor Day the Bartlett's have their family reunion at the fairgrounds. The kids always have so much fun riding their bikes and playing all the games. It was another beautiful year this year. There are some shots of the kids having fun!!

The kids playing in the hay. Can't you see the love!

Loving cousin Courtney.

Finding the whipcream whistle was a little challening.

Egg toss and he didn't even get messy