Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Dance Party

Uncle Johnny and Aunt Mary were given a dance party for their 40th anniversary. We were lucky enough to get invited and boy did we have a fun time. They had awesome hats, masks, and glasses to dress up with. Everyone dance all night long.

Swimming Lesson

We took swimming lesson for the first time this year. Brayden was in level 3 and Alegra was in level 1. Brayden has become a much stronger swimmer. Alegra for the frist time in her life has been scared to try new things in the water. They took them through Brownfield Rec. and love Maury their instructor.


Grampa and Grammie got us a new tube and we had to go try it out. After getting a new rope we finally had some success. Of course we had to make Grammie and Grampa go with us!!